Smart & Connective

Light BMS revolutionises
the renovation of commercial buildings

Building management systems are a formidable tool in the fight against energy waste. However, the solutions on offer are often complex to install and operate.

In fact, it is estimated that 70% of installed BMS systems are used incorrectly or not at all!


Smart & Connective's Light BMS can be grafted onto an existing BMS or create a new ecosystem for buildings not yet equipped.

What is a BMS?

In the classic sense of the term, building management is a digital tool that helps to limit energy wastage in a commercial building and thus improve energy performance.

BMS: How does it work?

BMS automates the use of energy-consuming equipment in the building, such as air conditioning, heating, ventilation and lighting. In this way, the building is connected AND smart, which means it can adapt to the habits of its occupants to optimise energy consumption as far as possible.

For example, if the building is exceptionally lightly used (due to seasonal variations or an event), the BMS will be able to adapt the production of heating and cooling.


Building monitoring and control

Supervising your building means that you know at any given moment what it consumes and which items need to be monitored. Depending on requirements, you can find out whether a room is occupied, whether a window is open or closed, whether the air quality in a classroom is good, or the temperature in the offices. All this information is visible on a hypervision portal (several buildings can generally be grouped together on the same screen). This makes the building’s information clear and easy to read, so it can be used more effectively.

A building management system not only provides feedback on consumption (temperature, air quality, state of opening of doors/windows, humidity level, etc.), but is also capable of intelligently controlling energy-guzzling appliances in order to comply with pre-established scenarios.

For example: “I want my offices to be at 22°C at all times, whatever the outside temperature.
The system will not only tell me that the temperature is too high or too low, it will also automatically adjust the air conditioning or heating to reach the required 22°C.

BMS in building maintenance

Correctly used, BMS can help to extend the lifespan of equipment, in particular by giving indications of maintenance, servicing, breakdowns or drops in performance.

For example, if an appliance is detected to be underperforming or consuming abnormally high amounts of energy, a maintenance alert will be sent out to anticipate a possible breakdown and avoid unnecessary over-consumption. This is known as predictive maintenance.

The 4 classes
of BMS performance

The European standard NF EN ISO 52120-1 “Energy performance of buildings – Contribution of building automation and control systems” provides a framework for the use and performance of building automation systems.
To determine the energy savings that can be achieved by installing a BMS in a building, the standard defines 4 classes of BMS performance.

– Class A: high energy performance control and building automation systems;
– Class B: advanced control and BMS;
– Class C: standard control and BMS, usually taken as a reference;
– Class D: control and BMS limited to basic functions such as on/off or manual control. This category includes buildings that have not been renovated, are fitted with old equipment or have undergone limited investment.

The limits of "classic" BMS


BMS installed without end users knowing how to use them (complexity, lack of training and documentation).


BMS used for control but rarely for management (poor use of the system).


It is estimated that 70% of installed Building Management Systems are used incorrectly or not at all!

On the other hand, conventional BMS are generally installed when a building is being constructed or during major renovations, as they require complex technical work and installations. The power and complexity of these solutions also explain the often dissuasive costs per m2.

The benefits of Light BMS

As an alternative to powerful BMS that are cumbersome to install, there are now so-called lightweight BMS, based on connected object technology, which offer a number of advantages:

These BMS, such as Smart & Connective’s Light BMS, are ideal for renovating commercial buildings. This represents 983 million m2 in France and 800 million m2 subject to the Tertiary and BACS decrees.

Today, only 7% of commercial buildings are equipped with a BMS.

Smart & Connective’s Light BMS can be grafted onto an existing BMS or create a new ecosystem for buildings not yet equipped.


No work


Quick and easy
and simplified for the integrator – no code.

prise en main simplifié

Simplified end-user control and multisite vision.

Suitable for existing tertiary buildings such as offices, hotels, public buildings, retail shops, etc.

Smart & Connective's Light BMS goes even further!

To create even more effective scenarios for maximising energy savings, Smart & Connective’s Light BMS solution can be installed at room level.

This means that scenarios can be based on human presence, window opening or air quality.

The main advantages of Smart & Connective's Light BMS solution are:

Installation at room AND central system level.
Interoperability: make the system compatible with existing systems (air conditioning, heating, etc., as well as any existing BMS).
Quick and easy to install, no work required, no loss of business.
A comprehensive turnkey solution, from devices to SaaS and dedicated applications.
A multi-site online portal for monitoring building data and creating automatic scenarios.

Let's go !